Secure Global Social Ecosystem


Decentralized social platforms with shared control and shared revenues.


Users earn income for their data and vote on ecosystem rules.

지속 가능합니다.

Users ratings help to better align with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Social Media is broken

사용자 pay with their privacy to connect and engage with others on social media. Not knowing who has their data and how it is being used.

커뮤니티 are not able to determine their user experience and do not get a fair share of social media revenues.

광고주 and brands face ever changing advertising rules, fake users, brand unsafe environments and most of all being cut off from their consumer data and insights.

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We fix social media through decentralization.

Each unique, all connected

Every community in any industry gets its own autonomous DISEO-powered mobile social media & commerce platform.

Each community app is unique and has all state-of-the-art social media and commerce functions.

All DISEO-powered platforms are seamlessly connected to one global decentralized mega platform.

Users exclusively control their data

Each user receives a unique, real and 100% private Digital ID. In a next phase Blockchain technology will be applied to increase security and user control.

DISEO is committed to fair revenue share and the highest ethical standards on data privacy and safety. Connecting the world with neutral SWISS SAFE infrastructure.

My Data. My Choice.

We believe that data rights are human rights.

We believe in data privacy and choice.

We believe that online should be no different from offline and that people should control their digital personality.

We believe in fair revenue share from data.

We thrive to build a decentralized. neutral. ethical. fair. democratic. trusted. secure. innovative. leading. social media ecosystem.

We provide you a data protection beyond GDPR.

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Fair share instead of winner takes it all.
Social Media becomes Social Commerce!

Users | Control & Income. Earn immediate income from watching advertising, creating content or anonymously sharing your data with brands while maintaining 100% privacy and data control.

Communities | Connect & Interact. Direct and unfiltered user access. Control your community user experience and platform monetisation through advertising and content. Create new revenue streams through social commerce. User or companies can offer content and services to other users via your platform.

Advertisers | Connection & Information. Consenting users unlock 1st party data on a strict user controlled opt in base, no fake users, a brand safe environment and as a result better targeting and higher ROI. 

Crowd-based rating of businesses and institutions to create a sustainable impact.

Trust Index. Verified users rate other users and organizations. The rating expresses trust, reliability, seriousness. The trust index is used to increase or reduce the visibility of profiles and content. Ratings by verified users have a significant impact on content quality. And since user will use it for their purchase decisions it also has a strong impact on businesses.

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Social Index. The Social Index is a combination of user ratings, achievements of the profile owner (sustainable efforts, ESG donations, etc.) and ratings of rating organizations. Through this mechanism users have a strong impact on downrating or uprating business related to their sustainability. This in turn forces business to be sustainable as they seek recognition of the increasing number of sustainability oriented buyers.

State of the art functionality

We built a unique modular social media and commerce ecosystem that can be customised to meet your individual needs.  

Search and user profiles with trust index and sustainability index

Chat and call – audio and video – including group chat and conference calls

News feed supported by AI; income from advertising, sponsoring, recommending

Streaming with ability to create income form adverting, sponsoring, donations

Content upload and sharing including video, photos, shows

Get Started with DISEO

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App Registration

Download app and register as user

Web Registration

Register as User

To interact with other users and businesses

Register as Organization

To present your brands, projects, products

Register as Community

To operate your own social platform